You can’t Hustle out of the Climate Crisis

I have found new small stories to torture myself with. It’s a weird habit I have. Though not so weird if you believe the internet. Still. It’s odd to see yourself perpetuating the culture you know is killing us. Speed.

But it’s addictive, no? The urge to do more, be more, prove yourself, to whom?An insatiable need that sits right beside the core of my being. Gobbling up achievement after achievement, despite never really doing anything. Perhaps that is why it feels insatiable. Because I simply have nothing to feed it. I can never tell if I really believe these things. But for moments I do.

The speed though, the speed gets me. Because I don’t want to stop. I like this. I just wonder if it’s wrong. You can’t hustle out of the climate crisis. But maybe you can? Still.

A look out from a balcony on a large blue building with a glowing pink and yellow sunset behind



Stefan Hostetter

Avid environmentalist, writer, story-teller and videographer. Check out @GreenMajority, and I'm kind of bad at twitter. All opinions my own.